
An example project using colonyJS!

This is a built out version of the colony-starter package with more examples.


  • Node >=10.12.0
  • Yarn >=1.12.0
  • Docker >=18.09.0

You may find it helpful to use Node Version Manager (nvm) to manage Node versions.

If you are using Linux, check out Linux Setup to ensure Yarn and Docker are set up accordingly.


Globally install the colony-cli package.

yarn global add @colony/colony-cli

Install the colony-example package.

colony build colony-example

Alternatively, you can use npx and kickstart the colony-example package in one line without having to globally add the colony-cli package:

npx -p @colony/colony-cli colony build colony-example

Start Network

Open a new terminal window and start Ganache:

yarn start-ganache

Deploy Contracts

Open a new terminal window and deploy the colonyNetwork contracts:

yarn deploy-contracts

Start TrufflePig

Once the contracts have been deployed, start TrufflePig:

yarn start-trufflepig

Run Script

Open a new terminal window and run the example script:

yarn start

Run Tests

Open a new terminal window and run the example tests:

yarn test


Questions? Problems? Existential dilemmas? We’re here to help!

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All improvements to documentation are welcome and encouraged. Submit a PR for documentation on GitHub.