
The colony-cli package is a command line tool for building colonyStarter packages and running services such as Ganache, Truffle, and Trufflepig to assist with local development alongside the colonyNetwork smart contracts.


  • Node >=10.12.0
  • Yarn >=1.12.0
  • Docker >=18.09.0

You may find it helpful to use Node Version Manager (nvm) to manage Node versions.

If you are using Linux, check out Linux Setup to ensure Yarn and Docker are set up accordingly.


Install the colony-cli package globally:

yarn global add @colony/colony-cli



Build colonyStarter packages:

colony build [package-name]


Start a local test network with Ganache:

colony service start-ganache

Start a local test network with Ganache using --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse:

colony service start-ganache --noVMErrorsOnRPCResponse

Deploy the colonyNetwork smart contracts:

colony service deploy-contracts

Serve truffle contract data with TrufflePig:

colony service start-trufflepig

Seed the network with global skills:

colony service seed-network

Create a test colony:

colony service colony-setup

Run Truffle commands:

colony service truffle [develop/compile/migrate/test]


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