
Wallets store your public and private keys and are used for signing transactions.

Tailor supports a wide range of wallets with Purser, including both hardware and software wallets. See the Purser Documentation for more information on how wallets work, as well as a full list of wallets available.

How to use wallets

With Purser, the configuration for the Web3Wallet is simple.

Web3 Wallet using MetaMask

Import the @colony/purser-metamask package, then execute the open method and pass the result to the .load method.

import { open } from '@colony/purser-metamask'

const wallet = await open()

const client = await Tailor.load({

Web3 Wallet using a private key or mnemonic

Import the @colony/purser-software package, execute the open method with the privateKey as an argument, then pass the result to the .load method.

import { open } from '@colony/purser-software'

const privateKey = 'c87509a1c067bbde78beb793e6fa76530b6382a4c0241e5e4a9ec0a0f44dc0d3'

const wallet = await open({ privateKey })

await Tailor.load({

Import the @colony/purser-software package, execute the open method with the mnemonic as an argument, then pass the result to the .load method.

import { open } from '@colony/purser-software'

const mnemonic = 'candy maple cake sugar pudding cream honey rich smooth crumble sweet treat'

const wallet = await open({ mnemonic })

await Tailor.load({

Web3 Wallet using Trezor

Import the @colony/purser-trezor package, then execute the open method and pass the result to the .load method.

import { open } from '@colony/purser-trezor'

const wallet = await open()

const client = await Tailor.load({


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