
Interacting with the Ethereum blockchain in a way which will cause its state to change is done with a transaction. In Tailor we have various types of transactions, which handle everything for you when sending a transaction.

Contract Transactions

The contract transaction is the one which you'll probably use most of the time. If you do not specify a different type of transaction in the method overrides for your Tailor instance, the contract type will be used as a default for all methods.

It automatically encodes transaction data based on function parameters passed to it, and sets the to address to the contractAddress of the Tailor instance.

const client = await Tailor.load({
  methods: {
    myMethod: {
      type: 'contract',

await client.methods.myMethod({
  myParam: 'a string',
  otherParam: 42,

Multisignature Transactions

The multisig transaction is used with contract methods which require a transaction to be signed by multiple parties. The multisig transaction was designed around simple-multisig.

const client = await Tailor.load({
  methods: {
    myMethod: {
      type: {
        name: 'multisig',
        options: {

const tx = client.methods.myMethod({
  myParam: 'a string',
  otherParam: 42,

await tx.sign();
const json = tx.toJSON();

// And then somewhere else at another point in time...

const restored = await client.methods.myMethod.restore(json);
await restored.send();

Other Transactions

Tailor also includes other transactions which are used internally, but unlikely to be useful otherwise.

For example, there is the base transaction on which the other transactions within Tailor are based. It can be used for cases where you need to make a simple transfer of Ether, or where you have specific data you wish to set for the transaction.

const client = await Tailor.load({
  methods: {
    myMethod: {
      type: 'transaction',

await client.methods.myMethod({
  value: 123456,
  to: '0xabc',
  data: '0x123',

There is also a deploy transaction which can be used for deploying new contracts on the network. This is used internally when you use Tailor.deploy(...).


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