Reputation Mining Client

Running the Mining Client

The reputation mining client can be run locally to sync with a local ganache instance, the goerli testnet, or with glider on mainnet.

To participate in the reputation mining process you need to have staked at least the minimum amount of CLNY Tokens, for at least one full mining cycle duration before you can submit a new reputation root hash.


node packages/reputation-miner/bin/index.js (--arguments <params>) [--arguments <params>]

Mandatory arguments:

(--minerAddress <address>) | (--privateKey <key>)
(--colonyNetworkAddress <address>)
(--syncFrom <number>)   // [goerli:'548534', mainnet:'7913100']

Optional arguments:

[--network <(goerli|mainnet)>]  
[--localPort <number>]
[--dbPath <$PATH>]
[--auto <(true|false)>]

Address of the miner account which the client will send reputation mining contract transactions from. Used when working with an unlocked account for the miner against development networks only. We provision twelve unlocked test accounts stored in ganache-accounts.json for testing that are available when starting a local ganache-cli instance via yarn run start:blockchain:client command.


Private key of the miner account which the client will sign reputation mining contract transactions with.


The address of the Colony Network's EtherRouter. See Upgrades to the Colony Network for more information about the EtherRouter design pattern. This address is static on goerli and mainnet goerli 0x79073fc2117dD054FCEdaCad1E7018C9CbE3ec0B mainnet 0x5346d0f80e2816fad329f2c140c870ffc3c3e2ef


Path for the sqlite database storing reputation state. Default is ./reputationStates.sqlite.


Used for connecting to a supported Infura node (instead of a local client). Valid options are goerli and mainnet.


Used to connect to a local clinet running on the specified port. Default is 8545.


Block number to start reputation state sync from. This is the block at which the reputation mining process was initialised. This number is static on goerli and mainnet

  • goerli: 548534
  • mainnet: 7913100

Note that beginning the sync with a too-early block will result in an error. If you get this exception, try syncing from a more recent block. Note that the sync process can take long. Latest tests syncing a client from scratch to 28 reputation cycles took ~2 hours.


Default is true

The "auto" reputation mining client will:

  • Propose a new hash at the first possible block time, and submit until the maximum number has been reached (based on staked CLNY, with a maximum of 12 submissions allowed)
  • Respond to challenges if there are disagreeing submissions.
  • Confirm the last hash after the mining window closes and any disputes have been resolved.

Reputation mining protocol details can be found in the Whitepaper TLDR


The reputation mining client comes with a set of built-in visualizers to make it easier to view reputation states and to see the current state of the mining process. Once a mining client is running and connected to a network, navigate to the client's address in a browser (i.e. http://localhost:3000/) to access the available visualization tools.

Force Reputation Updates

The client is set to provide a reputation update once every 24 hours. For testing, you'll likely want to "fast-forward" your network through a few submissions to see usable reputation.

You can move the network forward by 24 hours with the following command.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_increaseTime","params":[86400],"id": 1}' localhost:8545

Once you have moved the network forward 24 hours, you can then mine a new block with the following command.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_mine","params":[]}' localhost:8545

Note that because reputation is awarded for the previous submission window, you will need to use the "fast-forward" command above to speed through at least 2 reputation updates before noticing a change in the miner's reputation.

Get Reputation from the Reputation Oracle

The reputation mining client will answer queries for reputation scores locally over HTTP.{reputationState}/{colonyAddress}/{skillId}/{userAddress}

An instance of the oracle is available for reputation queries against goerli or mainnet networks:{network}/{reputationState}/{colonyAddress}/{skillId}/{userAddress}

The oracle should be able to provide responses to any valid reputation score in all historical states, as well as the current state. For querying the colony-wide reputation instead of user-specific one, instead of {userAddress} use a zero address (0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000)

For example, you can get the reputation score of the miner in a reputation state 0xc7eb2cf60aa4848ce0feed5d713c07fd26e404dd50ca3b9e4f2fabef196ca3bc) using the address of the Meta Colony (0x14946533cefe742399e9734a123f0c02d0405a51), the mining skill id (2), and address of a miner (0x0A1d439C7d0b9244035d4F934BBF8A418B35d064).

The oracle returns



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