Reputation and Rewards

When an address earns tokens from a task payout or payment and the tokens earned are native to the colony, the address earns a reputation score equivalent to the number of tokens.

A set fee for every task payout and payment is collected and stored within the rewards pot of the colony, which can then be distributed based on reputation to colony members as a reward.


Get Reputation

To get the reputation score for a given address within a particular domain or skill, you can use an instance of ColonyClient or ColonyNetworkClient.

// Get reputation using colony client
await colonyClient.getReputation.send({
  skillId: 1,
  address: '0x0...',
// Get reputation using network client
await networkClient.getReputation.send({
  colonyAddress: '0x0...',
  skillId: 1,
  address: '0x0...',

Note: This method will not work when connected to a local test network. This method will only work when connected to goerli or mainnet.


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