Domains and Skills

Domains and skills help define the organizational structure of a colony, allowing for the division of labor without having a strict management hierarchy. Within a colony, reputation is rewarded within the context of domains and skills.

How domains are used is up to the colony but domains can be analogous to the departments of a traditional company. Skills categorize the type of work done, independent of the domain or colony in which the work took place.

For more information, see Domains and Skills in the colonyNetwork documentation.

Domain Methods

Add Domain

You can add a domain using an instance of ColonyClient:

// Add a domain
await colonyClient.addDomain.send({
  parentDomainId: 1,

Note: You must be assigned the ROOT or ARCHITECTURE role to call this method.

Get Domain

You can get information about a domain using an instance of ColonyClient:

// Get domain info
  domainId: 1,

Get Domain Count

You can get the total number of domains within a colony using an instance of ColonyClient:

// Get domain count

Skill Methods

Add Skill

You can add a skill using an instance of ColonyClient for the Meta Colony:

// Add a global skill
await metaColonyClient.addGlobalSkill.send();

Note: You must be assigned the ROOT role within the Meta Colony to call this method.

Alternatively, you can add a skill using an instance of ColonyNetworkClient:

// Add a skill
await networkClient.addSkill.send();

Note: You must be assigned the ROOT role within the Meta Colony to call this method.

Deprecate Skill

You can deprecate a skill using an instance of ColonyClient for the Meta Colony:

// Deprecate a global skill
await metaColonyClient.deprecateGlobalSkill.send({
  skillId: 1,

Note: You must be assigned the ROOT role within the Meta Colony to call this method.

Alternatively, you can deprecate a skill using an instance of ColonyNetworkClient:

// Deprecate a skill
await networkClient.deprecateSkill.send({
  skillId: 1,

Note: You must be assigned the ROOT role within the Meta Colony to call this method.

Get Skill

You can get information about a skill using an instance of ColonyNetworkClient:

// Get skill info
  skillId: 1,


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